Here we will meet history of the world where our story takes place. You will receive some informations about its creation, historical development and the War for Kenakarra rose reasons.
Kenakarra Rose
Creation of Illada
Life from Magic Flowers
Second Creation Time
The Life on Illada
Immortality Versus Dying
Magic Rose from Kenakarra
Kenakarra Rose is a powerfull magic plant coming into flower every 10.000 years. …
Forces of nature are the only source of magic in the world of Illada. Every entity grew up through magical flora here. When the story begins, there is only one magical plant left – the Kenakarra Rose that is coming into flower every 10.000 years. The one and only bloom. It is the most powerful source of might and gaining control of it brings its holder control over every magical flows and because of it dominancy over lands of Illada. Well, getting it is not so easy. You have to do much more than just pluck the bloom…
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The newly created beings
inhabited most of the territory of Illada. But while the firstborn noble Elves,
Farseas, Kworgs and Guiulthans grew into the light and they still loved their
creators, another races created from the second generation of magic flowers,
were less noble and much more unaffected.They did not want to meet their
creators and they were fearing them a bit. That is why many Liayates were very
disappointed. They were keen on those which were not created with some
particular idea. And those, which were created with the most noble ideas, were
standing deeply in the shadow of their firstborn brothers of noble races.They
left their creators. They admired them as their gods, but they were afraid of
their power.
And so only the firstborn noble brothers spent their lives near their creators and teachers. They were studying the magic flows of nature to be able to use all kinds of magic power given them by their creators knowledge. The most gifted were the Guiulthans and especially one of them – called Sornion. He was appointed as their nation leader. He was the most gifted and powerful one between all the noble beings.
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Creation of Illada
Illada - the magic world where our story takes place - was born a long long time ago from the real needs of Liayates. They had great power to move and fly through the space without real bodies. They did not depend on time as people, so it is very hard to talk exactly about some time periods of their existence. But we know that after a long long time they wanted to live some different life.Their souls wanted to know and to feel something new and different what they did not know yet. So they started to create new worlds due to their great magic power. Firstly their worlds were similar to abstract works of delirious artists, but later they created worlds similar to our human reality. Their works were beautiful and its forms were wonderful. And later when they wanted to be the members of the real world they created their own bodies to be able to move through their worlds and to feel everything that belongs to body existence.
That was the beginning. The Liayates created lots of worlds, but each of these worlds had no own life. These worlds were beautiful and wonderful, but they were sterile and dead. In the end they created completly different world. Some Liayates created here real life. Magic and powerful flowers.
These flowers were given by Liayates life energy – the source of all magic as it was called much more later. These gigantic flowers were real organisms full of life.And the whole world looked like one giant garden soon. Magic flowers were full of life and the Liayates were able to talk with them, to enjoy their feelings and they were very happy to see how they grew.
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Life from the Magic Flowers
Later some of these flowers started to change. Four of many flower varieties created by powerful Liayates started to be little bit different. They changed into the fountains of new life. The wombs of new life.They shut their beautiful blossoms and when they have opened new entities were born.
Four new races were born from four breeds of magic flowers.
The Elves were born from the magic flowers called Elethenoe. The Kworgs were born from the magic flowers called Eletohae. The Guiulthans were born from the magic flowers called Elihatoa and the Farseans were born from the magic flowers called Ertasteis. Farseans were the unique nation who could fly due to their big wings on their back.
These are four noble races born from four gorgeous flower sorts created by the Liayates.
Although the Creators have a great power, they did not know exactly, what has happened. They had no idea how to create the new life from their own creations. These noble entities born from magic flowers were very similar to the Layiates but they vere much more smaller.
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Second Creation Time
The Creators loved their new children and they wanted to
receive another ones. Created a large world and they wanted to settle it by
their own creatures. Another flowers had its own existence and they were not
able to give any new life and create any new entities. It kept on a long time
and there were no changes with flowers, so the Liayates started to create
again. It was the time of wonderful and powerful creation and the Creators
created many sorts of flowers. Many new beings were born this way, but nobody
of them – the second generation children of magic flowers - was full of such a
light and noble like the first ones.
The world was
settled by new entities. People, The Dwarfs,The Brakhs, The Grokthars, The
Silds, The Khabrags, The Ukhls and many others. And also another creatures
called animals.
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The Life on Illada
And so only the firstborn noble brothers spent their lives near their creators and teachers. They were studying the magic flows of nature to be able to use all kinds of magic power given them by their creators knowledge. The most gifted were the Guiulthans and especially one of them – called Sornion. He was appointed as their nation leader. He was the most gifted and powerful one between all the noble beings.
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Immortality Versus Dying
Since the beginning of their existence all the beings born from magic flowers were given by special gift of creating new life, to born their own descendants. But soon it was clear that the firstborn were immortal and their bodies were still young, another races were not immortal, they became old and died. So the gap between them was increasing, envy, lust for power and immortality of noble beings – these were the reasons why they stopped understand to each other. The world was not such a beautiful place like the Liayates would like to imagine it anymore. Nevertheless, they tried to teach those who remained faithful to their ideas and tried to help those who were able to take their help. But this way the younger beings were more and more isolated.
Illada (the translation from ancient noble races language it means "Fountain of Life") world was full of many varieties of life, but the Creators were not happy. The first generation of entities – four noble races brought them only joy and happiness, the second generation had no noble light inside. And it was sad to see how many races are changing into bad and selfish individuals with no sence for interests of their nations and communities.
Many Creators went away from world of Illada. And when also The Elves started to be selfish, most of the Liyaates left the world of Illada created by themselves, took away their real bodies and went to their brothers to another existence form. As an old tale tells, there were some of them who stood in the world of Illada. But they stopped to meet their children. They changed their own life form, so their children could not see and feel them. This story says that they are still existing here, they know what is happening in the world of Illada, but they will hit only in the case of the highest need – at a pinch.